
Unlock higher revenue for your food delivery business

Boost your website orders and order value with a Group Order function. Solve food delivery challenges by offering a complete shipping solution, and stand out from competitors with exceptional customer service.
Unlock higher
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At least once a week, one in three U.S. consumers uses a food ordering service to place online food orders
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Each year, the food industry and online food ordering trends grow by at least 20% in the U.S
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60% of restaurateurs report that offering delivery has led to an increase in revenue
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78% of off-premise orders are placed through direct food ordering applications, while 22% of them are placed via third-party platforms

Food Delivery Service made easy with DingDoong

Different date & time settings
Limit orders
Delivery area validation
Shipping rates
Order management
Request a demo

Tailor date picker widget

1. Position date picker widget

Move your date picker to any position you desire on product page, cart page, ajax cart or all of them

2. Customize the widget

Be flexible to decide the looks and feel of your date picker widget from layout, format, language, shape and color. If you don’t have good eye on design, rest assured that DingDoong offers available widget settings aligned with your store theme (Dawn, Crave, Studio, Fresh...) and event theme (halloween, christmas,...). Draw your customer attention and increase the conversion rate by 70% now!
Make easy
Date setting

Different date & time settings

1. Set business availability

Decide the day of the week you are available to handle your business (Working days), disable the day you don’t offer delivery/ pickup in the calendar (Blackout dates), configure the time you stop dispatching orders on your working days (Cut-off time)

2. Set product availability

Be flexible to decide the looks and feel of your date picker widget from layout, format, language, shape and color. If you don’t have good eye on design, rest assured that DingDoong offers available widget settings aligned with your store theme (Dawn, Crave, Studio, Fresh...) and event theme (halloween, christmas,...). Draw your customer attention and increase the conversion rate by 70% now!

3. Set multi-location

Set up unlimited locations with store pickup option and configure different pickup date & time slots for each location
Date setting

Delivery validations

Allow you to narrow down where you want to deliver your product. This is important for not overcommiting and overworking, because you don’t have to deliver every order placed, and able to say no to orders over your delivery area, delivery which could make you unprofitable.

Customize to see the invalid postal codes customers have entered, so you can plan your business expansion accordingly.

Shipping rates

Not every order is as profitable as others. Sometimes, shipping fee can be higher than expected. This could be due to delivery pricing, special delivery need, special product need and so on.

With shipping rate, you can change the shpping fee based on weight, distance, total cart value.

You can also choose which rate is shown for which product: all eligible rates, the highest or the lowest. This could be influential to customers’ purchasing decision.

Shipping rate is crucial for both sales and accounting strategy.
Make easy
Date setting

Order management

Easily manage your order with built-in-calendar, making it quick to sort orders by customer tag or customed tag.

Manage your orders without having to log in to Shopify. All orders are synced to your personal Google Calendar. Orders can be seen on your mobile app. Notifications will also be sent to alert shipment.

Orders within up to 60 days can be exported outside for your personal usage, including order’s address, timing and so on.

All your logistics operations are made more efficient and more effective.

Unlock your higher revenue with Group Order function

What’s the best way to boost revenue and customer satisfaction at the same time?
Group order is the answer. For long, merchants use free delivery threshold and total cart promotion to encourage customers buy more. This sometimes make people involve in more people in the cart to increase the value, but the process of group ordering is without the necessary tool. Group Order is here to solve that. It encourage people to get their friends, family, colleagues involved. With DingDoong, you don’t have to use a third-party software and sharing commission to them. The feature comes with the app!

Get people involved and order value increased

New shopping experience
Increase total order value
Encourage international shopping
Works brilliantly with DingDoong
Introduce more people to the site
Request a demo

Easy to start

1. Enable

Group Order comes free with all stores has DingDoong installed. All you need to do is go to DingDoong app on Shopify admin, go to tab Group Order, enable the function and you’re ready!

2. Decide the position & tailor the widget

Not only that but you can also adjust the appearance of Group Order widget to visually fit better to your store. This including, but not limited to, changing colors, icon, position of the widget.
Make easy
Date setting

Choose your promotion

Group Order can be used to meet promotional requirement.

Say your promotional threshold is $50. Normally, people can actually not to opt for this promotion, and willing to pay less. This is not ideal for sellers because the cart value is small, yet the shipping fee must be beared.

With Group Order, more people are involved, hence the promotion is met easier, and therefore higher revenue. Happy group of customers, happy sellers.

Friendly experience with simple steps

Group Order can be used to meet promotional requirement.

Say your promotional threshold is $50. Normally, people can actually not to opt for this promotion, and willing to pay less. This is not ideal for sellers because the cart value is small, yet the shipping fee must be beared.

With Group Order, more people are involved, hence the promotion is met easier, and therefore higher revenue. Happy group of customers, happy sellers.

Successful Stories

Powerful tool to empower business


Build a successful food business with DingDoong today